Friday, August 16, 2019

Gay in the Deep South (video)

Straight Dave (Mr. "Bruno" Cohen); S. Auberon, CC Liu, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"Straight Dave" (Sacha B. Cohen)
Anthropology is the study of humans, but we can't see ourselves unless we're looking at ourselves through the eyes of outsiders, in this case the British Sacha Baron Cohen. He made mincemeat out of America as "Borat," showing us up for all our follies and shortcomings.

Here "Bruno," as "Straight Dave," travels to the South for a good ol' fashion beat down in "Straight Dave's Man Slammin' Maxout." But the easily-duped, beer-swigging, Caucasian, Christian, WASPy, IQ-impaired, hyper-masculine fight fans will have none of it.

Maybe we should be more tolerant and less hateful/phobic? Or maybe the city folk "Cosmopolitans" should just wince at what the country neighbor cousins are doing to the image of the USA toward the LGBTQI community. Either way, it's very funny and all in jest, as Cohen explained on The Jonathan Ross Show in England.

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