Friday, September 27, 2019

Buddhism in SEVEN words

Dhr. Seven, Ellie Askew, Pat Macpherson, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly: American Buddhist Journal
The Buddha-to-come Maitreya high in the Himalayas of Bhutan, outside Thimphu (WQ)
Seven questions to ask:
What is the Path to Freedom?
  1. What is "greed"? — It is craving (thirst, clinging).
  2. What is "hatred"? — It is aversion (fear/dislike/anger).
  3. What is "DELUSION" (ignorance)? — It is wrong view (misunderstanding).
  4. What is "nongreed"? — It is letting go (giving, disenchantment, disillusionment, detachment, internal-renouncing).
  5. What is "nonhatred"? — It is loving-kindness (compassion).
  6. What is "nondelusion"? — It is wisdom (insight).
  7. What is "AWAKENING" (nirvana)? — It is complete freedom, liberation, the end of all suffering, safety from all bonds (enlightenment or bodhi).
Can you simplify the Path to three things?

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