Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Recovery Dharma: Buddhist 12 Steps

Transition Team (recoverydharma.org); Seth Auberon, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Recovery Dharma book now available
Recovery Dharma is a peer-led, grass-roots, democratically-structured organization. Its mission is to support individuals on their path of recovery from addiction using Buddhist practices and principles.

They believe that traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as "the Dharma," offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.

The program is based on the idea that everyone is his or her own guide in recovery from addiction, with the help and understanding of wise friends and community (sangha).

The belief is that this is what the Dharma teaches. So it’s with great joy and excitement that all come together to build a recovery community and support structure, informed by the spirit of democracy.

The belief is that the organization should focus on providing resources to local sanghas who wish to use Buddhist practices and principles for recovery. Each of us must determine our path and practice for ourselves with the support of both local and global communities.

There are many texts and teachers in the Buddhist tradition and many opportunities to learn.

Recovery Dharma is based on the idea of choice: Groups and individuals within groups should be encouraged to explore, learn, and understand by following their own path to take care of their own needs.

It accepts and honors the fact that there are many possible roads to the wise understanding and effort that are part of this practice. Recovery Dharma is here to support this exploration, not to limit it.

The ideals, aims, and structure of this organization will be decided by the community itself.

Although a Transition Team has been formed to allow us to incorporate and obtain nonprofit status, one of the first tasks of the new organization will be to support the democratic elections of a Board of Directors that represents the diversity and breadth of the membership. More

As a community, everyone involved will define the scope and nature of this new organization’s mission. What YOU CAN DO now:

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