Sunday, September 29, 2019

The NEW Rules for Dating (video)

Ariel Winograd (Tod@s Caen); Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly
"Out, sinners!" - "We're sorry. Tell God we didn't mean to get an education!" (The Onion)
Tod@s Caen ("Everybody Falls"), Spanish language from Mexico, with English subtitles. Rate PG.

Adan (Spanish for "Adam," the first man, played by Omar Chaparro) is a charming seducer who believes he knows how to make any woman swoon. He prepares to teach his friends the art of conquering women, using his array of bullet-proof rules of seduction.

Mia ("Mine," a kind of Eva/Eve or first woman, a seductress played by Martha Higareda) has learned THE RULES OF DATING the hard way -- lots of random sex and dating. Now she wants to share the rules with other women to spare them a lot of heartache and suffering.

She is an ambitious TV producer in Mexico who dreams of having her own show about female empowerment: Todos Caen ("Everybody Falls"). She has the ultimate strategic guide to female dating and is ready to teach it to the world: Men are hunters who like to be led on even if everyone thinks they just want sex.

Hey, Adan, nos vamos a ligar?
Mia's guide teaches women how to hook men -- to have them eating from the palm of the hand in no time. She's so confident that she takes a bet that she can make Adan fall. What will happen when player meets player?
All The [OLD] Rules
When they cross paths at a nightclub Mia has gone to with her friends because she knows it's Adan's hunting grounds, the game is on! It's an all-out battle of the sexes.

But as they test their seduction strategies on one another, both find that sometimes the more you play hard-to-get, the harder you may end up falling yourself. Unless you're tricky (no, even if you're tricky).
Ven. Khantipalo a.k.a. Laurence Mills (With Robes and Bowl: Glimpses of the [Austere Wandering Ascetic] Life), Buddhist Publication Society (, Wheel #83; Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
What would the Buddha do? In the Rhinoceros Sutra (from the Buddhist sutra collection called the Sutta Nipata, literally "Discourses Falling Down," published as "Woven Cadences") -- translated long ago in England by E. M. Hare (in the Pali Text Society's Sacred Books of the Buddhists Series) -- we find some ancient Buddhist advice:

Love cometh from companionship;
In wake of love upsurges ill;
Seeing the bane that comes of love,
Fare lonely as rhinoceros.

In ruth for all one's bosom friends,
A person, heart-chained, neglects the goal;
Seeing this fear in fellowship,
Fare lonely as rhinoceros.

Tangled as crowding bamboo boughs
Is fond regard for child and spouse:
As the tall tops are tangle-free,
Fare lonely as rhinoceros.

The deer untethered roams the wild
Whithersoe'er it lists for food:
Seeing the liberty, wise one,
Fare lonely as rhinoceros.

Casting aside the household gear,
As sheds the coral-tree its leaves,
With home-ties cut, and vigorous,
Fare lonely as rhinoceros.

Seek for thy friend the deeply learned,
Dharma-endued, lucid and great;
Knowing the needs, expelling doubt,
Fare lonely as rhinoceros. More

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