Tuesday, October 15, 2019

4th Democratic Presidential Debate (video)

ABC News (live); Crystal Q., CC Liu, S. Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Wisdom Quarterly

The 4th Democratic presidential debate
F--k all of these losers, especially Joe.
(ABC News, Oct. 15, 2019) Twelve candidates take the stage in Ohio tonight (abcn.ws/2BdyEzv) for yet another b-s-athon trying to jockey for position in a rigged process. Tune in before and after the debate for complete coverage of the fourth democratic debate featuring:
    1. Corrupt ex-VP Joe "BS" Biden
    2. Sen. Prof. Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren
    3. Grumpy Sen. Bernie "Oh My Heart" Sanders
    4. Gay South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete "Millennial" Buttigieg
    5. Sen. Kamala "Vicious Prosecutor" Harris
    6. Businessman Andrew "Free Money" Yang
    7. Sen. Cory "I Should Grimace Less" Booker
    8. Former Texas Rep. Beto "I'm Not Hispanic" O'Rourke
    9. Sen. Amy "The Right Loves Me" Klobuchar
    10. Billionaire Tom "I Paid To Be Here" Steyer
    11. Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian "Smarty" Castro
    12. Hawaiian soldier Rep. Tulsi "Peacenik" Gabbard.

    Birth of Venus Tulsi
    PRELIMINARY RESULTS: Tulsi Gabbard, who nearly boycotted these bogus rigged by the DNC debates, as Bernie should have learned by what pro-Hillary party insiders did to him, "wins" with 40% of the vote. Liz makes a showing. Biden bores. Big losers are deplorable District Attorney Kamala with her off-putting attitude (where's spiritual Marianne "Course in Miracles" Williamson?), newcomer Tom, and lifeless and embarassing Beto.
      • 7:00 PM (EST) – Pre-Debate coverage begins
      • 8:00 PM – Around the Table with Beto O'Rourke
      • 8:30 PM – Around the Table with Sen. Cory Booker
      • 9:00 PM – Trail Mix
      • 9:30 PM – The Briefing Room
      • 10:00 PM – 538 Politics Podcast
      • 11:00 PM – Post-Debate Coverage

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