Monday, October 21, 2019

Eight Limbs of Yogic Meditation (video)

Swami Tadatmananda (Arsha Bodha Center, 1/7/19); Dhr. Seven, Crystal Q., Wisdom Quarterly
Free yoga class on poses at the annual Disclosure Fest in Downtown Los Angeles

8 Limbs of Meditation: Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
All forms of yogic meditation practiced today are based on the Yoga Sutras -- a 2,000-tear-old Sanskrit scripture by the ancient Indian sage Patanjali based on much older Vedic wisdom.

Asanas (poses) are only one limb.
This famous text -- translations of a set of aphorisms -- prescribes a sequence of eight specific practices, culminating in samadhi (mental coherence, concentration, super-consciousness), to reach the ultimate goal of spiritual life (moksha = liberation).
Swami Tadatmananda is a traditionally-trained teacher of Advaita Vedanta, meditation, and Sanskrit. More info:

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