Thursday, October 31, 2019

FREE Vegan Chocolate Halloween PARTY

Ananda (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Halloween/DDLM vegan tacos with all the trimmings make this a delicious potluck.

Halloween (Ireland's Samhain, Japan's Obon) in the Old World is Dia De Los Muertos in the New World.

It is the Mexican/Native American DAY OF THE DEAD celebration, when the veil between the Planes of Existence in Buddhist cosmology is thinnest, when the "Realm of Hungry Ghosts" spills over, when the deceased visit relatives and their former lives.

Mexican Aztecs invented chocolatl (hot cocoa)
It is also an opportunity to acknowledge our most unsavory qualities, the ones we hide most of the year. Transparency is better. No skeleton can stay hidden. Special remembrance meditation. Bring vegan snacks/drinks to share. Wear a sexy or scary costume (maybe a face mask from the 99 cent store).

We'll serve hot cocoa (chocolatl), sweet chocolate, cookies, candies, desserts, and savory plant-based TACO dishes. Hugs (optional). All welcome. FREE/by donation.
  • Dharma Meditation Initiative
  • Halloween, Thursday night, October 31, 2019, 7:00 PM
  • Ahiah Center for Spiritual Living
  • 150 N. El Molino Ave., Pasadena
Trader Joe's now carries melting vegan cheese and tasty ground beef (soy) for filling.

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