Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hardcore Zen with Brad Warner (video)

Brad Warner (Hardcore Zen, March 19, 2019); Seth Auberon, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Brad Warner (born March 5, 1964) is a Sōtō Zen monk, author, punk bassist, and down-to-earth guy.

"The AMAZING thing that happened to me in zazen!"
Dave Chapelle (see below) is one of the funniest truthtellers of our time. What's hardcore Zen? Who knows, ordinary Zen, Zen without all the "Zen" stuff, not adding legs to a snake, as Alan Watts like to say? "Is enlightenment delusional?" asks Brad Warner. His approach is like hardcore punk, insofar as he leaves the fluff out. His instructions are like a full-length two-minute punk song with a great bassline. Soon after his last birthday, he was in a reflective mood. When sitting zazen, just sit, go with the flow, accept what is, strive not for it to be other than what it is. That seems to be the advice here. Wanting for it to be other than it is is suffering. Recognize that, and let go.

Dave Chapelle: "I've stopped smoking weed...with black people" (PG-13/R)

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