Friday, October 11, 2019

Nepal Army's meditation weapon

Col. (Ret.) Jitendra Jung Karki and Dr. David R. Leffler (,, April Fools Day); Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven, Ellie Askew, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Meditation "best proactive approach to preventing terrorism" (Leffter, et. al., April 1, 2019)
Wow, I'm gonna apply to join Nepal's Army boarding school to be a super TM soldier!
Nepal’s army schools are finishing their first stage of implementation of a meditative Invincible Defense Technology (IDT).

The ultimate goal of IDT is to prevent enemies from arising by reducing the collective societal stress that culminates in war, terrorism, and crime.

IDT involves the use of Transcedental Meditation (TM) techniques and advanced practices, ideally by the military, to reduce collective societal stress.
I am now a great warrior of peace.
Extensive peer-reviewed research has documented the efficacy of this approach (David Leffler, 1999). Militaries and police departments worldwide have successfully field-tested and are now using this approach. (See Review Nepal, Aug. 10, 2016 “IDT: A Powerful, Proven, Tool for Police and Military”).

The army school in Bhaktapur, Nepal was the first military school to implement TM. Now 300 of its teaching staff and 2,700 students have greatly benefited from practicing TM, according to TM teacher Ms. Pappy Regmi.

Regmi says, “TM has been practiced by the students of Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya Sallaghari (SAMV), Bhaktapur for the past three years.

“After the [military boarding school] students mastered the simple, natural, and easy-to-learn TM procedure, we noticed many positive changes in them. They are less irritable, aggressive, and destructive in nature than before.

“Many students improved their academic performance. This non-religious, scientifically-validated technique is helping the students in their overall development.” More

Gov'ts love public wars for private profits
When peace is the purpose of the military then we win. Peace is not the purpose. War is.
Dr. Leffler (istpp)
Former Home Minister Deepak Prakash Baskota was one of the first Nepalese leaders to advocate the military use of IDT.

In an article titled “How Nepal Can Have An ‘Invincible’ Military” published in Eurasia Review (2012) Home Minister Baskota wrote:

War is a Racket (Gen. Butler)
“Leaders in Nepal could make their mark if they adopt this most ideal defense system. The implementation of IDT would mark a turning point in the history of Nepal’s national defense, and the leaders in Nepal would also be leading the world into perpetual peace.”
  • Col. (Ret.) Karki was liaison officer at SAMV Army Residential High School of Nepal. Dr. David Leffler, Ph.D. ( is the executive director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS).

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