Friday, October 11, 2019

SoCal on fire: Saddle Ridge (video)

L.A. Times (; KTLA, 10/11/19; Crystal Quintero, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Saddleridge fire burns more than 4,700 acres
The Los Angeles Times is reporting on the 100,000 residents being evacuated for the Saddleridge fire in northern Los Angeles, which broke out late Thursday night in the town of Sylmar (home of the first L.A. Poet Laureate L.J. Rodriguez's Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural) amid strong Santa Ana winds, spread rapidly overnight west into Porter Ranch and other wealthy/white-flight communities, burning more than 4,700 acres as of early Friday. The winds are fierce, 20-70 MPH, and the Villa Calimesa RV Park (Sandalwood) fire in Riverside County is raging as a 2 acre fire jumped to 500 acres almost immediately due to the Santa Ana winds. There are other smaller fires all around.

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