Thursday, December 19, 2019

Adam Schiff on impeachment (audio)

California Democratic Representative Adam Schiff, Host Larry Mantle (AirTalk, KPCC 89.3 FM,, 11/19/19); Sheldon S., CC Liu, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

You can't impeach me for a perfect call!
Adam Schiff talks confidently about the impeachment of Pres. Trump and gives an analysis about where we go from here. This is followed by an interview with DNC Chair Tom Perez and a look ahead to tonight’s sixth Democratic Debate without Tulsi Gabbard, who is boycotting it while claiming to have qualified, or Cory Booker, who did not qualify, and no Michael "Moneybags" Bloomberg probably because it's better to stay out of it and be thought a fool than jump in and remove all doubt. More

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