Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Dr. Drew fired, ruined by Tweeden; Bender...

Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly UPDATED

Dr. Drew used to work at KROQ and MTV
First the old ex-model ruined Al Franken's political career, now that #MeToo applies retroactively to comedians who become politicians.

Then she played some part in the failure and loss of "McIntyre in the Morning," as longtime radio host Doug McIntyre was jettisoned from KABC (790 AM, LA/OC). Leeann Tweeden then got Lauren Sivan fired when she displaced her on "Midday Live with Dr. Drew" (drdrewpinsky.com formerly of MTV/KROQ's Loveline).

Dr. Drew Pinsky, MD and ill omen Tweeden
Now the stay-at-home mom is getting Dr. Drew fired and ending the show. Just a coincidence? Or did Tweeden's hideous, strident, self-righteous, right-wing shrieking have something to do with it?
Callers used to call her out on air, and she would go berserk not caring how much her defensiveness was harming the show. Listeners used to tune in to hear Dr. Drew, not the sidekick desperate for validation.

Maybe military-wife Tweeden is not important enough to have brought down these shows, radio personalities, and Franken.

Drew to enter politics
But she pushed Dr. Drew so much to the right -- along with Adam Corolla, Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, Mike Catherwood, Ben Shapiro -- and other socially liberal, fiscally conservative right-wingers around him like the guests at the station and the podcast universe he navigates, that today the USC graduate announced his interest in challenging California's beloved Anti-Trumper Representative Adam Schiff. He previously toyed with the idea of running as a Jewish Republican candidate for mayor. Did Tweeden turn Drew Republican?

When I'm not selling CBD oil, I'm pitching for heal.com.

Maybe the station (KABC) and the DNC are just "going in another direction," like towards better ratings, by moving further to the right. Ben Shapiro's strident Newspeak is doing well for the stations he's on, so expect more of that kind of programming.

Bender canned from KFI
Dr. Drew and Mike: Swole Patrol podcast
And there are changes over at the stalwart west coast clear channel KFI (iheart.com, 640 AM), as the Tim Conway Jr. Show deletes CSUN Prof. Aron Bender and his solo podcast, who is now interim program manager or some such over at the student radio station. He was pushed out "till further notice" without a word on October 19, 2019, the same day he appeared on someone else's podcast without mentioning what happened. The new and improved Crozier has taken his place, but that Conway would say not a word about the change -- that's so L.A. radio.

DR. DREW ON TWITTER: "So, this is my last day on the air KABCRadio. I'm so grateful to you and to my all-star colleagues, cohost(s) & guests... But I won't stop fighting for the lives of ppl suffering from mental illness/addiction." More

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