Saturday, December 14, 2019

Enlightened Thai Master Ajahn Jumnien

Ajahn Jumnien, Joseph Kappel (trans.), Culture Exchange; Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

Daylong Teachings | Dharma Talk
When one knows, one is happy.
Ajahn Jumnien (, is a delightfully happy, fully wise, and playful Thai forest monk. He was previously a shaman from a long line of shamans, and he has some of the most advanced magical abilities. Trained in intensive Theravada Buddhist meditation with Ajahn Dhammadaro, he also traveled as a wandering ascetic (shraman) and mastered a diverse array of tranquility meditations (jhanas) for purifying concentration. No matter what the technique, he constantly urges us back into seeing our true nature, which is marked by Three Universal Characteristics.
This talk was given on 2003-06-07 at a length of 6:13:59 and made available via the YouTube channel brought to us by Culture Exchange Blog.

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