Tuesday, December 10, 2019

FAQs: "I can't meditate!"

Sayalay Susila (sayalaysusila.net) edited by Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
Q: Sayalay, I just can't meditate. My mind is running so restlessly, jumping here and there like a monkey. That's why I have decided not to meditate, because maybe the time is not quite right just yet.
A: It is mind's nature to be restless. Learn to accept it. And it is precisely for this very reason that one needs a method to calm the mind down and make it more manageable. And that direct method as prescribed by the all-knowing and compassionate supremely-enlightened Buddha, is meditation. You can start with loving-kindness meditation. This meditation makes the mind happy. Happiness produces concentration. Keeping one's precepts well also helps promote happiness, thereby calming and stilling the mind in meditation.

Questions and Answers
This is from a small collection of FAQs concerning meditation that Sayalay Susīlā and her Dharma teachers have addressed during Q&A sessions at meditation retreats and Dharma talks. More

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