Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kamala Harris drops out! Time for recall?

Seth Auberon, Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly, announced by Angel (KPFK)

May I please be your VP candidate, Mr. Biden?
Right-leaning lawyer and Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris is a disgusting example of what it takes for social minorities -- women, African Americans, Native Americans -- to advance in society today: SELL OUT.

This aggressive prosecutor shot to fame as a symbol of hope in Congress that things were getting better. But she soon proved in debate after debate that she is part of the problem.

F all of you then! Harris may face lawsuit.
Today she quit like a quitter, as she was losing staff to multi-billionaire Bloomberg, the newest Democratic candidate to try to buy the race. Staff are now jumping off her sinking boat, and she wants to slink away -- after soldier and Congressperson Tulsi Gabbard excoriated and humiliated her in public for her abuses and criminal misconduct as California attorney general.

Hope it wasn't anything I said ;) (tulsi2020.com)
Should Kamala Harris be recalled? Or should she be allowed to return to invisibility? (The Invisible Woman: Just ask dimwit Joe Biden, who could not remember her election even as she stood next to him). Is it enough that she merely drops out of a primary race she's botched and lost? We think California, our state, should recall her from office, as she is no representative of ours.

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