Sunday, December 8, 2019

The European "Thanksgiving" story (video)

Cody Banks, 11/21/18; HuffPost; Xochitl, Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The "Real" Story of Thankstaking - as the Europeans saw it
Who was the slave boy "Squanto" (Tisquantum) the British abducted and shipped to England until his escape who saved the new Puritan (Brownists Separatists English Dissenters from the Church of England) Settlers? Sachem Samoset ("Chief Somerset") introduced him to the invading British colonialists. Discover the true story behind an event that only much later started an enduring national holiday. But don't expect the Christian capitalist immigrant settlers ("Pilgrims") and Native Americans (Wampanaog, Patuxet, Abenaki, Algonquian) to look like what we often see in postcards. This is closer to historical fact excluding the Native perspective of the "First Thanksgiving," which was NOT actually the 3-day "harvest festival" we are all taught it was, as shown here, but a 1637 celebration of the safe return of English occupier-settlers who had gone out to massacre 700 Natives]. This video features the music "Autumn: Meditativo" and "Winter is Coming: Adagio - First Snow" by Dee Yan-Key as well as artwork from "The Boy Who Fell Off the Mayflower" by P.J. Lynch.

Native Americans observe a National Day of Mourning for Thanksgiving
as tribal elder Moonanum James explains from Massachussets (HuffPost)

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