Monday, December 23, 2019

What the Dalai Lama really eats (video)

Mashed, Oct. 25, 2018;; CC Liu, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Thiksey Tibetan Monastery, Ladakh, India
The 14th Dalai Lama's eating habits are nothing if not interesting. From his view on meat, to the strict discipline for Buddhist monastics, to the Potala Palace gardens that [used to] provide his favorite ingredients while the little people struggle in exile or under harsh Chinese rule, here are the ins-and-outs of the his not-so-meek diet.

Is he vegetarian? | 0:16
Tibetan breakfast and lunch | 1:12
Homegrown vegetables and fresh bread | 2:06
Oodles of noodles | 2:41
Mare's milk beer | 3:12
Yak butter tea | 3:49

Please, go vegan. I eat green and make butter and wool for Tibet's harsh climate. The most interesting thing about yaks is that Tibetan culture wouldn’t exist without them (
Mashed is the ultimate destination for food lovers. Whether learning how to cook or ready to take those kitchen skills to the next level, Mashed has all the tips and tricks ever needed to be a chef…or at least enough hacks to help you fake it till you make it. From grocery shopping smarts to serving a perfectly prepared dish, eating out or whipping up, Mashed has all the info needed for that, too — from the best and worst foods to order to what today’s most popular chefs really have up their sleeves. No matter what kind of foodie you want to be, if gluttony's your thing, you should probably be watching another channel. So, go on, look for something else.

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