Wednesday, December 25, 2019

What it means to love ourselves

Ajahn Maha Boowa, Brahm via Ven. Sujato, Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

The way to find genuine Dharma (Dhamma) is to build up virtue and goodness. Making merit through dāna, sīla, and mettā-bhāvanā is the path of goodness for going beyond dukkha.

Every one of you, remember this! Don’t practice dāna, sīla, and mettā-bhāvanā just a little. We are all valuable people.

Before anything else we are important and precious. This is very important! It’s oneself who is important. This is called loving oneself before others. Loving ourselves comes before anything else.

When we love ourselves what should we do? How should we practice to make the words “love myself” appropriate?

We must take care of ourselves and not damage or destroy ourselves by believing the defilements (kilesas) that constantly deceive the world. Remember this well, all of you.

Ajahn Brahm also has advice on "Self-Love and How to Cultivate It." He is a Western (British now living in Australia) from Ajahn Maha Boowa's Thai Forest Tradition, a Theravada Buddhist school, a direct student of Ajahn Chah.

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