Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Bhikkhu Bodhi in Los Angeles (Jan. 7-12)

Lankarama (dhammausa.org); Ananda (Dharma Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Bhikkhu Bodhi is the most famous American Buddhist monk in the world. He is the preeminent English translator of the original Buddhist texts. This is a six-day, non-residential retreat. It runs for six days, and retreatants return home for rest each night. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet and learn from Bhikkhu Bodhi, who traveled to Asia for decades and now lives on the East Coast (Chaung Yen Monastery, Upstate NY, BAUS.org) and Bodhi Monastery in NJ. APPLY for this retreat through our the Lankarama Buddhist Institute and RSVP at Dharma Buddhist Meditation. FREE/by donation:

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