Friday, January 3, 2020

One-Day Meditation Retreat (Ven. Rahula)

Bhante, Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara; Ananda, Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

Vice-Abbot Ven. Rahula in front of Kwan Yin statue addressing Western monks at Bhavana Society Forest Meditation Center founded by abbot Bhante G (Ven. Gunaratana Mahathera), West Virginia.

Bhante Rahula under an old tree
Bhante Rahula (Yogavacara Rahula) was born Scott Joseph DuPrez in Southern California in 1948, ordained as a Theravada Buddhist novice in Sri Lanka in 1975, took higher ordination in Thailand in 1979, and lived in West Virginia's Bhavana Society from 1986 to 2010, traveling in the U.S. and Asia, hiking in the Himalayas. He is now a meditation teacher and acting director of the Siri Pannasiha ("Lion of Wisdom") Meditation Center in Maryland, USA.

Memoir: One Night's Shelter
Mindfulness (sati) is a fundamental Buddhist practice taught by the historical Buddha for the cultivation of insight (vipassana). Meditation (bhavana) is a general word for "cultivation," striving for self-development, of compassion and wisdom. Hatha Yoga involves postures, controlled breathing, vegetarian diet, and other healthy practices. Ven. Rahula combines them.

This retreat is a wonderful opportunity to deepen our practice while together engaging in an experience of mindfulness, cultivating skillful actions (meritorious karma) by chanting, sitting, and walking meditation. Noble silence will be observed. Lunch, breakfast, and tea served. All are welcome. Donation-basis.
  • One-Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat
  • Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020, 8:00 am-5:00 pm
  • Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara (Center)
  • 1023 North Glendora Ave., Covina 91724
  • RSVP: LABV (

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