Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Catholic nuns molest kids: surviving (video)

HuffPost; Lauren Book; WLRN; Pfc. Sandoval, S. Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
Lauren from talks about being molested by her female nanny: TEDx.

Nuns sexually abused girls for years. Now survivors speak out.
What would a gay church look like?
The Catholic Church has been rocked by allegations of homosexual rape, sodomy, torture, and sexual abuse carried out by priests, bishops, and cardinals for decades. Now survivors of abusive lesbian nuns are speaking out. Patricia “Trish” Cahill and Anne Gleeson were heterosexual teenagers when they were victimized by sexually abusive nuns. Even though these two survivors grew up in different cities, the gay grooming and lesbian child molestation and manipulation conducted by the nuns they say abused them sound eerily and tragically similar.

Rape in the USA, is it real?

Out of Darkness, Into Light: Child Sexual Abuse
Lauren Book would've gone crazy and acted out, but she told her doctor (
(WLRN,, 5/11/12) "Out of Darkness, Into Light" is a half-hour documentary which delves into the lives of three survivors of child sexual abuse, who through their own personal experiences are committed to helping others affected by this unthinkable crime.

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