Monday, February 17, 2020

Comedy: Rush, topless Bernie protest

Mike MacRae (TJDS); RC; SNL; Seth Meyers; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
Conservative Hollywood actor Vince Vaughn loves Rush Limbaugh. He defends him against anyone who might make light, mock, or laugh at him in his cancerous misfortune, after a lifetime of broadcasting as a dove, a paragon of love, unity, and human kindness.

Topless anti-dairy protesters against Bernie

Bernie wins New Hampshire, Trump tells crooked Barr to let Roger Stone off: A Closer Look

(Late Night with Seth Meyers, Feb. 12, 2020) Seth Meyers takes a closer look at Bernie Sanders’ New Hampshire primary win and Impeached-Pres. Trump bullying the Justice Department into showing favoritism on one of his convicted henchman, longtime Republican Operative and Nixon lapdog Roger Stone. Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers Weeknights 12:35/11:35c on NBC.

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