Monday, February 24, 2020

Skateistan: girls in Afghanistan (video)

PUSH, Ride (, 1/15; Amber Larson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"The State of Skate," Skateistan in Afghanistan
RIDE Channel ( Skateboarding in Afghanistan, the idea sounds crazy, doesn't it? By 2015 there were over 750 skateboarders in Afghanistan -- nearly half of them girls. How did that happen? In a place where the female literacy rate is 13%, where girls' access to education, let alone sports, is nearly nonexistent, Skateistan girls are doing it all. Here's the incredible story of skateboarding in Afghanistan. SKATEISTAN.ORG

Video produced by "PUSH" is RIDE Channel's way of supporting YOUR work and getting it seen by the largest audience possible with a PUSH from Ride's social media network. If you filmed your friend getting hit by a cop car, created a short documentary, or you made the best homie skate video, send it to RIDE. If you're selected, you'll get a little money and your video will get a big PUSH. To submit for PUSH, go to

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