Saturday, February 22, 2020

Taoism: In my own Way (Alan Watts) via Motiv Mate, 7/17/18; Pat Macpherson, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Watts stood in his own way.
Go with the flow, the drift of things, sailing rather than rowing. Wu Wei. What is the "Way," the Tao? Is it Nirvana (the altogether gone beyond, gone beyond beyond)?

Is it Brahman (godhead, GOD)? Is it Nature (Mother Nature, Gaia, Bhumi)? Is it Suchness (tathata, thusness, tattva, thatness, the that thou art)?

Or is it just this (this being, this continued becoming, samsara)? Spiritual entertainer and British Zen Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist philosopher Alan Watts says it is not forcing. Here he speaks on Wu Wei or "the principle of not forcing anything in life."

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