Thursday, March 26, 2020

$2 trillion stimulus bill, bad Bernie (video)

Comedian Jimmy Dore (, YouTube Channel), Matt Stoller, Dylan Ratigan; text by Seth Auberon and Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

Breaking News: Matt Stoller on Bernie's fake role in C-19 Bailout, Libertarian comedian Dave Smith 
The Jimmy Dore Show
(The Jimmy Dore Show) Jimmy Dore and his guests tell the unpleasant truth about the Democrats, our nominal affiliation. They are sell-outs in league with the Republicans in power. That's just the way it is. We need a third party, we've always needed a third party, and Bernie Sanders was never it. Joe Biden is a demented sexual addict and has been for a long time, a Washington insider, a predator in the Swamp.

Your Country is Just NOT That Into You
At least Trump looks like the shark in the pool he is, a filthy slime ball in the fish tank that is DC. That much can be said to his credit. Hillary, Joe Biden, and all the top Democratic presidential candidates -- with maybe the exception of pro-military Soldier Tulsi Gabbard and beloved Jill Stein, who's not running for the Green Party this time -- are corrupt.

Dylan Ratigan: "Stimulus bill is an abomination beyond all comprehension"

I'm yelling, but no one seems to be hearing me.
Putting our trust in them is tantamount to Bible Belt Christians aligning with Trump after he lies about everything. We do not have a two party system. We pretend to. We have a one party system, the Money Party, filled with sellouts including stick figure Bernie.

Real number: $14 trillion, 10, 2? Corporate news hides ugly truth of stimulus

And Obama was no better, though we hold him up as a great president, because he did nothing he promised, nothing we elected him for. He was groomed for the job, and he deceived us from the inside the way Trump [transparently] tries to from the outside. The nominal-left is not the Left. Wake up, liberals. We have been tricked. Matt Stoller (author of Goliath) explains how in very strong terms.
GOLIATH is a startling look at how concentrated financial power and consumerism transformed American politics, resulting in the emergence of populism and authoritarianism, the fall of the Democratic Party—while also providing the steps needed to create a new democracy. More

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