Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Biden comes back from the dead. Bernie sighs

Hanna Trudo, Scott Bixby (Daily Beast, 3/4/20); Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

I'm a loser. I can barely beat Bernie. No, wait.
The axiom says "Democrats fall in love, and Republicans fall in line." But that axiom appears to have been dispensed with on Super Tuesday, when several states voted for the candidate they and their party leaders best felt could do the one task they’re desperate for come November: beat Trump.

Biden is a loser. He'll never beat Trump.
Former Vice President Joe Biden racked up a series of dramatic wins on Tuesday night, starting with Virginia and sweeping through several other Southern states, including Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, and delegate-rich Texas.

He scored a surprise victory in Minnesota over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who was expected to handily take the state, and a win in Massachusetts, the home state of primary rival Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

I spent half a billion for nothing! - Bloomberg
Sen. Bernie Sanders was also poised to make real inroads on the delegate count with a win in California — one that would undoubtedly keep him in competition for the nomination, if not in a good position to claim it. But Biden emerged from Super Tuesday noticeably jazzed by the results.

The few hundred people in attendance at his rally at the Baldwin Hills Recreation Center barely filled up a basketball court — as if his campaign hadn’t been anticipating the huge night it was having.

Trump slams Fox News for supporting Left
But by the time [moronic buffoon] Biden [who likely suffers from dementia and certainly exhibits signs of foot-in-mouth disease] showed up, the venue was buzzing, as the former VP screamed with delight into his mic.

“They don’t call it Super Tuesday for nothing,” he declared. After appearing to momentarily confuse his wife and sister, he noted that the pundits were predicting his campaign might have been over by now. “Well, it might be over for the other guy!” he said, an apparent reference to Bernie Sanders. “We are very much alive!”

You're both losers. Have you seen my girlfriend?
Indeed he was. A campaign that seemed on life support just one week ago suddenly found itself well positioned to lay claim to a delegate lead. And while the former VP certainly is beloved by a good chunk of the party, the people who helped him get there said the turnaround was driven by a pervasive, almost panicky, fear over Trump. More

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