Friday, April 17, 2020

David Icke explains WHY we're locked down

David Icke (, Brian Rose (London Real) via; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Powers at the top pull the strings, not TV faces.
"Why?" That's the question, and only one man has answered it. He is giving verifiable research results, not opinions and speculations, so we can all check for ourselves, if we have the guts to dare. He says, "There is no 'COVID-19.' It doesn't exist. It's a hoax."

There's a plot afoot taking advantage of the crisis
How is that possible if people are dying and everyone is sheltering in place, economies are collapsing, and we're all worrying to death? What about that scary picture of the corona-ball?

Exosomes are released by poisoned cells, but these vesicles are not "viruses." What poisoned them? We are being poisoned -- as Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD, explains -- by 5G bombardment.

This weakens immunity and makes us susceptible to the flu and everything else. But the upper respiratory illness (COVID-19 is also known as SARS-2, or severe acute respiratory syndrome) is what happens when someone is bombarded by with 5G radiation.

A New York doctor broke rank and reported what he was seeing in the city -- not a disease, not a flu, but an immunity reaction, a strange lung condition from deprivation of oxygen. It is as if victims were in thin air at the top of a mountain without first having acclimated.

Underlying illnesses (called "co-morbidities"), which correlate with age, are the causes of hospitalization and mortality rates. Bad air like that of Milan, Lombardy, Italy and Wuhan, Hubein province, China are infamous for contribute to the need for hospitalization and need for coma-inducing ventilation.

Dr. Joel Wallach (
Populations, like that of pasta-addicted Italy, have diets full of gluten, which Dr. Joel Wallach warns makes us very weak and sickly by causing malabsorption of nutrients.

The 5G rollout around the world is sickening all of us, less so young healthy people with strong immune systems. This is because the powers-that-be insist on deploying 5G, mass surveillance, AI (artificial intelligence), self-driving vehicles, and increased automation of everything in the coming "Internet of Things."

Invisible Rainbow: A History...
To cover up that 5G illness, which is unavoidable if 5G is fully deployed, W.H.O.-funded China and the U.S. military get blamed for their genetically manipulated bioweapons, wet markets, devouring up animals and ruining ecosystems and immune systems. But until now no one could point out the real cause of this "pandemic" and every draconian thing done in its name, as happened with 9/11.

Arthur Firstenberg in Invisible Rainbow reveals the real cause of pandemics, which is the increased electrification of the world, first with radio then radar then [HAARP?], 3G, 4G, and so on. What was the first city in the world to be fully blanketed in 5G? Wuhan, China. More

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