Wednesday, April 1, 2020

God, Jerry was right: JESUS SAVES (video)

Slayer; Seinfeld; South Park; April 1 2020, Sheldon, Seth, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

What if "salvation" had nothing to do with our own karma (intentional actions) and understanding? What if were just the whim of some guy, some creator god, in a big simulation? Is life a test as a Big Bang Being looks down from some extraterrestrial home?

If it were then we'd have to worry, "Did I pick the right denomination?" like South Park points out:

We choose to follow the religion we think is best, but we don't choose which one to believe. That's dictated to us by relatives and society. Why think for myself? Even though others choose for me, it's incumbent on me to question and understand that religion, rather than just taking it for granted.

All religions have something good, and all religions have real problems to be aware of so we don't get sucked in. It's a fact of life:

You take the good, you take the bad, you take it all, and there you salvation at all.

The Buddha awakened in the world. So it doesn't need to be any way other than it is for us to awaken. He pointed out the path he followed to emancipation, liberation, salvation, freedom from all suffering:

Salvation depends on what we do and think and understand. Otherwise, the teachings of religion can be twisted by others to mean what it never meant, things others tell us to control us and mislead us. Who saves? Who could save? We ourselves have to use our heart, our head, and our purified-intuition that is able to directly know.

“No one saves us but ourselves.
No one will, and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the Path.
Buddhas only point the way!"
(The Dhammapada Verses 165, 276)

(April 2 update) April Fools. Does Jesus save? In a sense, if he shops at Walmart and Geico or listens to Slayer, but actually it's not a joke. True believers should know, as Christian scholar Reza Aslan takes pains to document in Zealot, there are two Christian figureheads, Jesus of Nazareth the historical figure, son of man (manusya-putra) and would-be messiah versus "Jesus Christ," son of Zeus, son of god (deva-putra) the Nordic Nazi "Aryan-ideal" lord of astrotheological the West's conception. They are very different persons. Jesus of Nazareth spent his "lost" 18 years in India as a yogi, Buddhist monk at Hemis Gompa, Ladakh/Tibet, who studied Eastern philosophy with various Dharmic religions, as documented by Nicolas Notovitch, Kirsten Holger, Swami Abedananda, and others.

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