Thursday, April 2, 2020

Lee Camp "Redacted Tonight" VIP (video)

Lee Camp Redacted Tonight VIP (RT); Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

[202] Presidential candidate Howie Hawkins on how to deal with this crisis
The rich are prepared to let millions of US citizens die in order to safeguard the economy against the coronavirus crisis. The US renews its demonization of Venezuelan Pres. Nicolas Maduro.
Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins sits down with Camp to discuss the shortcomings of the Bernie Sanders campaign, the Green Party's electoral strategy, and how Hawkins would react to the nation's problems were he to win in 2020.

Naomi Karavani finishes off the show with a look back at the last major pandemic to hit the US: the "Spanish Flu," which did not originate in Spain but was reported by the Spanish press and got dubbed for writing about it during a time of war and rumors of war.

Lee Camp's videos are heavily suppressed by YouTube and Facebook. So to help us avoid this censorship, share it as you see fit, and join Camp's email list by texting "REDACTED" to 33-777. It's free and quick. Or join at Come be in the live audience! It tapes every Thursday at 8:45 pm in Washington, DC (details at, radical political comedy not found anywhere else. Cool Redacted Tonight swag that can't be bought anywhere else.

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