Sunday, April 19, 2020

Let's plant a "Victory Garden" (video)

Kelly Ani, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Ashley Wells, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
(Gardening at 58 North) How to grow more basil than you can eat: Go from one basil plant to a boundless supply. Go from one plant to eight in 30 days then to 18 in 60 days. In one year, using this method, there may be thousands from the original mother plant. Time-lapse photography to document shows every stage of growth. Basil propagates very easily from cuttings, and within a month those cuttings are established plants which can then be used to take more cuttings. At each stage of making new plants, there are always plenty of leaves to use.

What's a "Victory Garden"?
It used to be hemp (Cannabis sativa) grown for its 1,001 purposes -- paper, canvas sails, rope, better than wood panels, medicines (like CBD), nutrition (mostly from the precious seeds and their balanced Omega 3-6-9 oil), clothing... and a very popular entheogenic-hallucinogenic compound (THC).

There are no "weeds" just cures.
Then it was vegetables -- simple greens of all kinds: basil, chard, lettuce, kale. There were berries, beans, legumes, squashes, amaranth, corn, potatoes, sprouts, green onions, lemons, spinach, string beans, zucchini, medicinal and culinary herbs, mushrooms, and heirloom tomatoes.

It was easy, and now that we know so much more about permaculture techniques and square foot gardening, it's much easier. Avoid chemicals. Go natural and organic, composting, reusing with zero waste. Put it right back in the ground. Let's start with the principal ingredient in homemade vegan walnut pesto -- lots of fresh basil.

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