Thursday, April 30, 2020

May 1st protests against California lockdown; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"Defy Fascist Lockdown" (Paul Bersebach/OCR)
We have rights. Will you sit in fear and obedience, or rise up to protest government overreach? Whether you do it loudly or quietly, resist being brainwashed, panicked, and told how to live in what was meant to be a FREE country.

We getting overtime? - Oh yeah, brother. (OCR)
It's not a free country yet. The elderly, sick, and high risk (those with preexisting conditions) are encouraged to quarantine, while the healthy and the able have a right to live their lives.

We believe that each American should be trusted to follow the basic hygiene and protections outlined by the CDC.*

Find a nearby protest on May 1st:

You will obey the CDC, or else. (OCR)
*The states: "The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed [or bombarded with 5G]. COVID-19 spreads from person to person [or cell tower to person], and it can be spread by those who are infected but don't display symptoms. The CDC advises washing hands, avoiding close contact with others, and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. Older adults and those with underlying chronic medical conditions should take extra precautions. The CDC recommends use of non-medical, cloth-based face coverings in some public settings [because we don't care if you die but we want health care workers to survive]. Medical masks should be reserved for healthcare workers" (

#RentStrike, #MortgageStrike, #CreditCardStrike - Join a strike! (

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