Thursday, April 23, 2020

"The Buddha's Forgotten Nuns" (film)

Ronin Films via Budaya Productions 2013; Dhr. Seven, Sayalay Aloka (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

This is a documentary about the revival of the Theravada Nuns' Order or Bhikkhuni Sangha and the quest to win gender equality. "It a revolution for women..."

The Buddha's Forgotten Nuns
This documentary tells the story of women fighting to gain ordination and their place as female monastics, or bhikkhunis, in male-dominated Buddhist traditions around the world.

"It's like a revolution has happened for women in Buddhism across the globe, yet if you're not connected with the Buddhist community you probably wouldn't know about it," says the film's Director Wiriya Sati.

Sati was raised a Buddhist in Australia, but when she sought the path of ordination, she, like so many other women, faced a wall of gender discrimination. If Buddhism is based on compassion and equality, why is sexism and discrimination prevalent in the religion?

The Buddha himself invited women to join his group of disciples and allowed women to be ordained alongside men some 2,600 years ago. What happened?

With appearances from HH the Dalai Lama, Tibetan nun Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, and Thai activist nun Dhammananda Bhikkhuni, The Buddha's Forgotten Nuns attempts to discover how the role of women in Buddhism changed so drastically and why so few women's orders remain today.

Getting back to what the Buddha intended
The film uncovers new paths being forged for women in Australia, the U.S., and pockets around the world, as we meet the men and women who are pulling down barriers and pushing for change in the monastic world.

But will the Bhikkhuni Movement expand beyond a few independent-minded Western communities and gain momentum in still traditional male-oriented cultures? More

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