Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Science of Pleasure: Jackpot (video)

Dr. Robert Sapolsky (FORA, 3/2/11); Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Dopamine Jackpot! Stanford University's Dr. S. on the Science of Pleasure
Stanford University Professor of Biology and Neurology Robert Sapolsky compares dopamine levels in humans and monkeys. He argues that in both species, "Dopamine is not about pleasure. It's about the anticipation of pleasure. [It's not about happiness.] It's about the pursuit of happiness." Unlike monkeys, however, humans "keep those dopamine levels up for decades and decades waiting for the reward." Even going so far as waiting for those rewards in an afterlife, trying to make St. Peter proud.
Dr. Robert Sapolsky is also a research associate at the National Museums of Kenya and the author of several works of nonfiction, including A Primate's Memoir, The Trouble with Testosterone, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, and Monkeyluv: And Other Essays on Our Lives as Animals.

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