Sunday, April 5, 2020

Visiting Czech Buddhist abbey Karuna Sevena

M.S. (Karuna Sevena, Oct. 31, 2018); Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Visiting a European Buddhist abbey
Summer, art nouveau (Alfons Mucha)
I walked into the monastic dwelling or ārāma called Karuṇā Sevena in the Czech Republic for the first time in my life a few months ago.

I was injured, chronically tired, sleep deprived, and overwhelmed with obligations and aspirations. I am a mom, a wife, and an entrepreneur.

I'd been involved in many projects which I enjoyed but was overwhelmed with choices and stretched thin on time.

Voluntary work projects were hitting walls. I was disappointed, burnt out, and confused. In other words, I’d say I was an average ambitious person for my age and situation trying to help others in an average developed country. A few days later I left the ārāma.

Map of the Czech Republic, Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia united under Prague (wiki)
The former Czechoslovakia is now the Bohemian Czech Republic next to Germany.
The first thing I wanted to do was go back to the temple. For it was a place of acceptance,
  • where I could be what I am,
  • where there seemed to be no expectations,
  • where I could give freely and receive freely,
  • where I felt genuine cared for and genuinely cared for others,
  • where I wasn’t afraid of any hidden agendas.
  • where others happily accepted my little contributions.
Northern Czech Republic (Marek Stransky)
I would wake up as if I were in my mom’s arms, happy and safe. My children were welcome, and their noises were welcome, too. There was no need to worry.

When I walked out, I noticed how much my outlook had changed. I was suddenly OK with the chaos of the choices at my disposal. I was OK with my obligations. I was OK with my aspirations.

Historic Prague, UNESCO World Heritage Site
I wasn’t afraid of people’s agendas. I got some sleep. I took care of my injury. I rested. I became more present.

I was more lovingly kind toward my kids. I was more lovingly kind toward my husband. I was there for them. And they noticed it, too. It was subtle, yet it profoundly changed my world.

Czech Venus of Dolni (29-25K BCE)
I am grateful to Bhikkhunī Visuddhi [Buddhist nun "Purification"], who despite her illness was still available for visits. I am grateful for her listening, her advice, and her warm and welcoming presence.

I know I’m just one of many for whom her listening and advice (spiritual guidance) has this kind of influence.

I’ve witnessed others, such as a lady who left her job to help support immigrants stuck in Greece, on the verge of burn out.

Autumn (Alfons Mucha)
In just one meeting with Ven. Visuddhi, she seems to have gotten calmer, more energized, and inspired. It was as if she herself found a new direction. All she needed was Ven. Visuddhi’s presence, patience, and occasional advice.

Ven. Visuddhi lives in the abbey Karuṇā Sevena, which needs repairs so others can continue to receive the benefits of her free and patient giving of herself.

If you are interested in supporting her, follow this website. - M.S.

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