Wednesday, May 27, 2020

COVID-1984: China's Orwellian HK (video)

Is Beijing using COVID-19 as cover to extinguish democracy in Hong Kong?
(ABC News In-depth) While in 2019 Hong Kong erupted into unprecedented and sometimes violent demonstrations against the Beijing-appointed government, in 2020 the streets appear eerily quiet by comparison.

(China in Focus/NTD, May 25, 2020) Exclusive Wuhan widow interview;
Contradicting virus figures; Harvard prof rebukes China media claim

Like much of the world, Hong Kong's daily life in the interim remains suspended as the world waits for a coronavirus reprieve — a situation the city's pro-democracy activists say Beijing (the capital of mainland communist China) and their semi-autonomous government are exploiting.

In the last month, a slew of high-profile arrests and a new battle over interpretation of the city's mini-constitution and "basic law" have many worried that while the world is distracted, China is snuffing out the democratic movement in Hong Kong.

Unusual Report: Protests erupt again
(NTD) Hong Kong erupted into protests on Sunday [May 24] in the wake of a new Chinese law. Many fear an end to freedom in HK and a military takeover by the Chinese regime. Beijing is vowing to push ahead with a controversial law that would end Hong Kong’s autonomy. The White House says it could lead to sanctions. The former British colony’s special status could be at stake. Officials continue to downplay the severity of the outbreak in China's northeastern Jilin province. But an internal CDC report gives a different story. In an exclusive interview, a widow in Wuhan tells her heart-wrenching story of how the CCP’s cover-up of the virus in early January led to her husband’s death. And a Harvard professor speaks out after being misrepresented by Chinese state media on the origin of the virus.

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