Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Vesak: Buddhist Xmas, May full moon day

Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Ashley Wells, Ananda (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit
A human was born to complete a mission: Wake up and awaken others: The Buddha
Buddhist Afghanistan (R.P.)
Vesak (Pali Vesākha, Sanskrit Vaiśākha) is also known as Buddha Jayanti, Buddha Purnima (full moon day), and "Buddha Day." It is the name of the ancient month on which, on the full moon night, three marvelous things happened:
  • The Future-Buddha (Bodhisattva) was born as Prince Siddhartha Gautama.
  • The wandering ascetic Siddhartha attained a buddha's great enlightenment.
  • The Buddha consciously moved through the absorptions and passed away into is final nirvana.
Buddhist countries
Vesak is a holiday traditionally observed for thousands of years by Buddhists and some Hindus on different days in
Missionary Buddhism started on the Silk Road when the Buddha sent out 60 arhats.
Buddhism began in Afghanistan (Scythia, Shakya Land, Silk Road) and Bihar (before it India)
I want to be the Little Buddha
"Buddhist Christmas" or "The Buddha's Birthday" or the "Great Enlightenment Day" is also celebrated in many other parts of the world, wherever Buddhists live or are staying.

The festival commemorates the birth, great enlightenment (buddhahood), and passing (parinirvāna) of Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha in ancient Theravada and Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. More

The full Harvest Moon appearing orange close to the horizon (Roadcrusher, England/Wiki)
.When is Vesak in 2020 (2563 BE)?
Look for the Earth's timekeeper the Moon.
It's easy to figure out the exact day: Determine when the month of Vaisakha falls then look for the full moon. This year it coincides with May, and the moon is full on the 6th and/or 7th.

The exact date of Vesak is based on Asian lunisolar calendars and is primarily celebrated in the Indian month of Vaisakaha on the Buddhist calendar and the Hindu (Vedic) calendar.

Full moon calendar (
Theravada Buddhist countries follow the BUDDHIST CALENDAR, which is based on the dependable phases of the moon. The uposatha (fasting or Eight Precept observance day), typically in the 5th or 6th lunar month.

Nowadays, in many countries it is celebrated on the full moon day in May on the Gregorian calendar. (Because of all these regional and sectarian variations, Vesak lasts all month longs and usually spills into the beginning and end of adjacent months. More

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