Wednesday, May 27, 2020

White cops kill black George Floyd (video)

The Sun, May 27, 2020; Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Shocking video shows white police kneeling on handcuffed black man’s neck and body for 8:46 taunting him and bystanders during his murder.

"I can't breathe," white cops kill black man, kneeling on his neck, spurring U.S. riots
Footage shows a white police officer kneeling on an unarmed and handcuffed black man's neck while he continues to plead, "I can't breathe!"

George Floyd begged for air as the killer white cop held him for seven minutes by the back wheel of a police car after he was detained in Minneapolis, MN.

In the video -- which was originally posted to Facebook by Darnella Frazier -- unarmed Mr. Floyd says that he cannot breathe multiple times. The ten-minute video has been cut short, as scenes were too distressing to show in full.

“I cannot breathe! I cannot breathe!” the man yells. “Don’t kill me!”

Executing black man for having legal gun
(CBS) Police abuse in another part of Minnesota as Officer Geronimo Yanez executes Philando Castille for having a legally licensed gun in his possession, which he tells the officer about. Did cowardice or fear drive Yanez to execute a calm black man with his fiancé and child next to him.

The incident took place approximately 8:00 pm on Monday after cops were called about a man using a forged document.

His death comes as the U.S. is reeling from the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, a black man who was shot dead while out jogging in Georgia when a retired police officer, his son, and a friend ambushed and shot him to death.

The three white men, including the former police officer and his son, have been charged with his murder.

Peaceful demonstrators took to the streets where Mr. Floyd was killed, with some chanting and carrying banners reading "I can't breathe," as they marched towards a police station, where windows and a patrol car were damaged and graffiti was sprayed on the building by a much smaller breakaway group from the peaceful demonstrators.

A line of riot police eventually confronted them, firing tear gas and projectiles at them, which protesters kicked back towards them.

Some of the demonstrators used shopping carts to make a barricade at a nearby supermarket, and tense scuffles continued late into the evening.
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