Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What if kids became monks? (video)

True Little Monk, 1/3/19; Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
English begins at 0:42:44. The initial chanting is in the exclusively-Buddhist language of ancient Pali (Magadhi), a kind of simplified Sanskrit widely spoken in the Buddha's day. It is now only used by Theravada Buddhists, monastics, and scholars.

Learning the Basics of Sane Asceticism
It takes merit to feel called to ordain as a monk.
"Color the Clay Sculptures," Episode 21, is the 21st day of True Little Monk, a wisdom training program for novices or monks-in-training.

It is the last day of the third week to learn about the concept of “love.” At dawn the novices and their monastic mentors gathered for morning chanting, part of the daily routine of monastic life.

After chanting they go for alms in the nearby community and the tree tunnels as usual. Although it rains, there are lots of people waiting to offer food, which for them is a way of making merit.

The first novice was the Buddha's son, age 7.
Before their alms meal the novices learn breathing meditation by placing bamboo sticks on their heads for posture and stillness.

Mentors teach them the basics of Buddhism's 13 "sane ascetic practices" (dhutanga) although, due to their age and maturity-level, they are still not allowed to make pilgrimages to the forest.

In the afternoon the first activity the novices undertake is to create their own Buddhas from clay with Mr. D. (Mr. Dusadee Rukmanee), a skilled sculptor whose works are inspired by his interest in Buddhism.

They then learn to color the clay sculptures with Ms. Phatcharamon Sawana, a teacher and motivational mentor, who also shares her inspiring experience on getting through difficult times in life.

After that they enjoy refreshments and practice their evening chants. ©TruePlookPanya

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