Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Worldwide protests: Defund Police (video)

NBC News, protests around  nation and world, June 7, 2020; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

3 black men from South LA share their vision of policing
"I can't breathe" (Bethany Mollenkof/NPR)
(Ailsa Chang, Jonaki Mehta, NPR.org, June 9, 2020) As the country seethes after the police-murder of George Floyd, three black men from South Los Angeles who lived through the Watts or Rodney King uprisings share their ideas of what "just policing" would look like. More

No sign of ANTIFA so far in Justice Department cases over protests
An NPR review of the federal cases brought in connection with the social "unrest" over the killing of George Floyd does not find any links to the Antifa movement. More

How a U.S. police killing triggered the toppling of statues in U.K. and Belgium
The widespread protests sparked by Officer Derek Chauvin's killing of unarmed black man [and personal acquaintance] George Floyd are reverberating in Europe, leading to the removal of two statues in the United Kingdom and one in Belgium tied to racist, white colonial legacies. More

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