Wednesday, August 5, 2020

UCLA: At Home in Your Heart Retreat (8/5)

At Home In Your Heart
with Dr. Bonnie Duran, Ph.D. + Tempel Smith
Join MARC (UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center) for a 5-day training of mindful loving awareness (metta) using home as the base of practice.

With metta (friendliness, kindness, agape) we cultivate calm embodiment, a steady capacity to appreciate all living beings, and we dissolve the habits that dull our ability to see each other with respect.

Cool, I can do it from home in Fort Wayne!
The greatest impact of metta is often to quiet our own harsh inner-critic and learn to befriend ourselves.

The daily retreat format will combine shared sitting and walking meditations with instruction, as well as an evening meditation with a discussion about the theory behind the practices.

Afternoons during the training will have suggested practices to further strengthen and integrate loving-awareness throughout our home life.
  • Who: Anyone ages 16+
  • Dates: Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2020 to Sunday, Aug. 9
  • Sliding Scale: $75-475, but no one turned away for lack of funds.
  • Venue: Online via Zoom
Dharma Buddhist Meditation LA (Meetup)
This retreat will draw from and reference Buddhist meditation practices but is open to anyone of any spiritual background or no background at all.

This retreat meets the need we all have to learn how to bring the benefit of our loving-awareness directly into our ordinary lives.
You can do it. Why? There are three categories of costs: 1) Generosity Rate: $475, 2) Standard Rate: $275, 3) Economic Hardship Rate: $75. And no one will be turned away for lack of funds**

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