Friday, August 7, 2020

Field Trip: BEACH Meditation 8/8 (video)

Robyn Kimberly; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Ellie, Ashley (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

It's time to meditate with others in nature.
This is summer, this is California, and that's it for the quarantine. We didn't sign up for a lock down or house arrest. The seashore is shining, the warm water's waving, and dolphins are present. We'll meditate (tranquility and mindfulness), be socially intimate at a physical distance, sport cool masks and sunblock, (some people might partake of a legal entheogen), as we enjoy veggie food, cool company, Dharma discussion, sun, sand, and surf. It's church in nature. Easy yoga stretches and ecstatic breathwork, sitting, mindful walking, and hugs (optional).

Been getting ready at home with Zoom yoga.
Rides available, picking up in Pasadena, UCLA, and the Valley to the most spectacular beach in Los Angeles.
  • Beach Field Trip w/ Temple Visit (time permitting
  • $20, space limited
  • Saturday, August 8, 2020, 11:00 am
  • (dharma_med2020) to reserve a space with last four digits 4581 to confirm. Info:
COMING SOON: Trip to (secret) local hot springs with hike.

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