Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Group meditation LIVE in person (starting 2/12)

Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

On a quest to get beyond partying and the daily doldrums of being locked down?

John, who's into rock and goth, was a Buddhist monk for a year.

He grew up in Los Angeles and yearns for authenticity. We need a down-to-earth sangha ("spiritual community") in this town! But is the tinsel City of Lost Angels the place to find spirituality?

We'll find out together. No donations. Short group sit followed by discussion, Q&A, and conversation free of limits or pretense.

"Wake up to together" (TNH/Deer Park)
This is real people, some quite young, enjoying conversation to find the meaning of life.

No experience necessary. Masking, social distancing in open and airy meditation hall, and whatever (like a clear plastic shield) to feel safe and comfortable. Also available on Zoom to participate remotely. Cushions and hugs provided.

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