Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Should I get a sexy tattoo? (sutra)

My tattoos show the emotional pain I feel on the inside

My face tattoos ain't scary
Post brand baloney is hard to knock if rappers/rockstars keep getting attention like Malone.
The Dead in the Realm of Hungry Ghosts call
me "premature." What was my rush to rot?
(VICE) Why in the Hades would anyone get a tattoo on his, her, or their face? VICE speaks to tattoo artist Roblake to explore the trend of inking/disfiguring the human face: Subscribe to VICE.

Once you feel the stab of the needle as you get inked, you either wince and regret it or feel the rush of endorphins like you're being original while jumping on the bandwagon of the Basic, so basic. But the Straights just don't understand: It's cool, Man, so cool. Right? Isn't it? The guys at the bar think so. Other tatted folks think so. It's an arms race for blank space until nothing is left but the face.

Travis Barker-Kardashian is king of the dip...
Yeah, sure, Judaism and Christianity say it's a sin condemned by the Bible, but other religions are cool with it -- Buddhists, Tribal Islanders, Shamans, probably not Islam, um, Native Americans, the Maori and probably the Rosicrucians and Masons and Satanists, Luciferians/Illuminati, and Rap groupie chicks and gutter punks. Joe Ro' gets it:

SUTRA: Sallatha Sutta: The Dart

"An untaught ordinary worldling, O meditators, experiences pleasant feelings, experiences painful feelings, and experiences neutral feelings.

"A well-taught noble [enlightened] disciple likewise experiences pleasant, painful, and neutral feelings. What is the difference, the distinction, the diversity that exists herein [within this Doctrine/Dharma] between a well-taught noble disciple and an untaught worldling?

"When an untaught worldling is touched by a painful (bodily) feeling, that person worries and grieves, laments, beats his/her breast, weeps, and is distraught. One thus experiences two kinds of feelings, a bodily and a mental feeling.

I ain't got no regrets. But, and this is a big butt, I do have one ragret. But so what? I look cool.
I tatted myself tatting myself to show my pain.
"It is as if a person were pierced by a dart and, following the first piercing, one were hit by a second dart. So that person will experience feelings caused by two darts.

"In just this way, an untaught worldling when touched by a painful (bodily) feeling, worries and grieves, laments and beats her/his breast, weeps and is distraught. So one experiences two kinds of [unpleasant] feeling, a bodily and a mental feeling.

"Having been touched by that painful feeling, one resists (and resents) it. Then in one who so resists (and resents) that painful feeling, an underlying tendency of resistance (dosa, aversion) against that painful feeling comes to underlie (one's mind/heart).

Jelly Roll: I look hella good, and everybody likes it. I've felt alotta pain in life, y'know?
What do I need to do to get noticed around here?
"Under the impact of that painful feeling, one then proceeds to [seek and] enjoy sensual happiness.

"And why does one do so? An untaught worldling, O meditators, does not know of any OTHER escape from painful feelings except the [endless pursuit of happiness through the disappointing] enjoyment of sensual happiness.

What is a "fetter"? This New Yorker shows this bare buttocks American gent (BDSM/wiki).

Asians, who love to save face, march for bondage and BDSM, Taiwan Pride 2005 (wiki)
"Then in one who enjoys sensual happiness, an underlying tendency to lust [lobha, greediness, grasping, clinginess] for pleasant feelings comes to underlie (one's mind/heart). One does not know, according to how it actually is, the
  • arising and ending of these feelings,
  • nor the gratification, the
  • danger, nor the
  • escape connected with these feelings.
Jelly Roll's next tattoo is going to be so meta.
"In one who lacks this knowledge, an underlying tendency to ignorance (moha, delusion, confusion, wrong view) as to neutral feelings comes to underlie (one's mind/heart).

"When one experiences a pleasant feeling, a painful feeling, or a neutral feeling, one feels it as one fettered [put in bondage/BDSM] by it.

"Such a one, O meditators, is called an untaught worldling who is fettered by rebirth, by old age, by death, by sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair.

"One is fettered by suffering (dukkha, disappointment), I declare.

The difference
I get it! All that arises impersonally passes away.
"But in the case of a well-taught noble disciple, O meditators, when touched by a painful feeling, will not worry nor grieve and lament. One will not beat his/her breast nor weep nor be distraught.

"One experiences one kind of feeling, a bodily one, but not a mental feeling.

"It is as if a person were pierced by a dart but were not hit by a second dart following after the first one.

"So this person experiences feelings caused only by a single dart. In just this way, a well-taught noble disciple when touched by a painful feeling will neither worry nor grieve, will not lament nor beat one's breast, not weep nor be distraught. One experiences a single feeling, a bodily one.

"Having been touched by that painful feeling, one does not resist (nor resent) it. Hence, in such a person no underlying tendency of resistance (dosa) against that painful feeling comes to underlie (one's mind/heart).

The result
Then there was no more pain at all.
"Under the impact of that painful feeling, one does not seek to enjoy sensual happiness [to compensate for it]. Why not?

"As a well-taught noble disciple, one knows of an ESCAPE from painful feelings other than by [the futile and disappointing distraction and diversion of] enjoying sensual happiness.

"Then in one who does not seek to enjoy sensual happiness, no underlying tendency to lust (lobha) for pleasant feelings comes to underlie (one's mind/heart).

"One knows, according to how it actually is,
  • the arising and ending of those feelings, and
  • the gratification,
  • the danger, and
  • the escape connected with these feelings.
Ha, ya laugh at me, but ya notice, and I gets $$$
"In one who knows thus, no underlying tendency to ignorance (moha) as to neutral feelings comes to underlie (one's mind/heart).

"When one experiences a pleasant feeling, a painful feeling, or a neutral feeling, one feels it as one who is not fettered by it.

"Such a person, O meditators, is called a well-taught noble disciple who is [no longer] fettered by rebirth, by old age, by death, by sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, or despair. One is not fettered to suffering, I declare.

"This, O meditators, is the difference, the distinction, the diversity that exists between a well-taught noble disciple and an untaught ordinary worldling."

How shall we pursue happiness? (Project X)

Proud to be an American with right to watch BH
We are Americans. We have the right to "life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness." Never was the arrival at happiness promised. We have no "right" to be happy. That was never promised! We just thought it was. The founding document says, we have the right to endlessly pursue it, sucker.

We can have sex, have a spouse, even have kids, or stay single and chase wine, women, and song. There's a very funny Benny Hill quip that's hard to forget.

The Benny Hill Show is filth, funny but filth
A guy is in a bar boozing it up when an older man looks at him with disgust and says, "Wine, women, and song -- that's what killed your father!"

And the guy boozing it up quips, "Yeah, he couldn't get any, so he shot himself." Everyone laughs. Why? We imagine we would kill ourselves from all the pain, misery, and tedious drudgery of human life [at least in the West, where we have so much material surplus compared to everyone else on the planet] IF we couldn't enjoy our Hedonism and sensual pursuits, which we think make it all worthwhile or at least sufferable. Alcohol alone makes the medicine go down, and does anyone but the alcoholic realize how much harm is being done in the tradeoff? We can endure as long as we imagine there's more coming down the line, here or hereafter, by winning the lottery or getting into heaven. Maybe I should get a face tattoo.

    Will Trump cause a civil war? 😁😥

    Trump 2.0: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
    (LastWeekTonight) Feb. 16, 2025: John Oliver discusses the first four weeks of Donald Trump’s second term as president, the strategy behind some of the choices his administration has made and why it is indeed fuck time. You heard us: It’s f*ck time. #LastWeekTonight

    Why Trump REALLY wants to deport 14 million people
    (Hindsight) Feb. 14, 2025: The United States has 14 million undocumented migrants living within its borders, and Trump pledged to deport them all. Starting with a million per year, focusing on those with criminal records. But there are not nearly enough people with a criminal record to meet this pledge, so...who's next? TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: #Trump #MassDeportation. Learn more about this ETF and gain access to the global defense sector by clicking here:

    (American Dad) Stan and Fran and Roger get left behind during Rapture
    (SNL) Weekend Update's Michael Che and Collin Jost summarize the news
    ( Feb. 19: World news headlines w/ Amy Goodman

    Simpsons 2025 predictions are coming TRUE
    (MostAmazings) Feb. 16, 2025: For decades, The Simpsons has shocked the world with eerily accurate predictions. Now its 2025 forecasts are unfolding before our eyes. From futuristic technology to major world events, could the beloved American animated series have once again foreseen what’s coming?

    🤯 This video breaks down the wildest Simpsons' predictions for 2025 that are ALREADY coming true. Did show creator Matt Groening and his team tap into the future [or are they being fed predictive programming ideas on a regular basis with Hollywood as the planet's throat chakra?], or is it all just a crazy coincidence?

    Let’s dive deeply into the theories, hidden clues, and shocking moments that will leave viewers speechless. 💬 What do YOU think? Just because you're speechless doesn't mean you can't leave a written comment. Are The Simpsons predicting the future, or is this all just a chance occurrence that cartoonish art is imitating real life? Type your thoughts in the comments.

    🔔 Subscribe and turn on notifications to catch the next deep dive into the world of conspiracies, mysteries, and pop culture predictions. #TheSimpsons #Predictions2025 #Future #Conspiracy #SimpsonsPredictions

    Tuesday, February 18, 2025

    Dalai Lama, will Pope Francis DIE?

    Magic and Mystery in Tibet
    The Vatican's Pope Francis is catholic ("universalist"), at least in the sense that as CEO he continues the domination of the world by the Holy Roman Empire. The 14th Dalai Lama is the former pope-king of imperial Tibet ruled from a kind of Vajrayana Bon-Buddhist "Vatican" known as the Potala Palace before communist China came in and razed it, killing many in the process, destroying many religious treasures and seizing many secret documents, chasing the 14th Dalai Lama into exile in neighboring Himalayan India's Dharamsala. How in the world would CIA Asset Dalai Lama know if Pope Francis is dying? The Dalai Lama has an ORACLE who knows all, that's how. It will come as no surprise to the Dalai Lama if there is a greater political upheaval in the world than King DoJo Trump and Prince Elon "Richest Man in the World" Musk shake up the world by rattling its hegemonic center of power.

    Why Pope Francis remains hospitalized
    (CBS News) Feb. 17, 2025: Pope Francis, 88 [aka non-Catholic Vatican CEO Jorge Bergoglio who is accused of apostasy by hardcore "real" Catholics and is hated by Hollywood's Greatest Catholic Mel "Mad Max" Gibson) remains hospitalized in Rome (the Holy See or secret city-state in the center of Rome, the seat of the Holy Roman Empire, aka the Vatican Corporation], after battling a "poly-microbial" respiratory infection. CBS News' Johnpaul Gonzo has the latest.

    All hail Pachamama, Mother Nature of the Andes - Whore of Babylon (Catholic Church) in Rev 17

    • Mel Gibson is an award-winning actor, director (The Passion of Christ), producer, and screenwriter. Look for the new film Flight Risk, directed by Gibson and starring Marky Mark Wahlberg, in theaters on Jan. 24. Host: Joe Rogan. Producer: Jamie Vernon Episode: 2254. Full podcast here: Socials: universityofjre
    Former Tibetan Pope-King HHTDL is politic about being rejected by Pope

    Is there only one true religion?
    (HorseMountainInstit) June 13, 2011: The documentary film BEYOND BELIEF, directed by Jim Lemkin, explores the nature, uses, and limits of beliefs and the consequences of unexamined religious beliefs. This heart-centered movie investigates real-life stories of people who, when they dared to question, discovered new worlds of understanding and common ground beyond their old beliefs.

    Go on a journey with wise ones and distinguish harmful from healing beliefs. A compelling and open-minded film, Beyond Belief asks what it really takes to fulfill humans' deepest and most sacred human needs beyond the realm of beliefs.
    ABOUT: Horse Mountain Institute (HMI) is a non-profit public charity, 501(c)(3). Its mission is to engage in educational activities that promote holistic perspectives in health and healing of body, mind, spirit, and society. Its goal is to help people embrace new paradigms of awareness, understanding, and personal and social possibilities that can lead to enlightened action. Since 1996, HMI and its Founder Dr. Jim Lemkin have produced communications that identify and uproot obstacles to our authentic human needs and potential. More
    ABOUT: Corporate news outlet CBS News 24/7 is the premier anchored streaming news service from CBS News and Stations that is available free to everyone with access to the internet and is the destination for breaking news, live events, original reporting and storytelling, and programs from CBS News and Stations' top anchors and correspondents working locally, nationally, and across the plane of the planet. It is available on more than 30 platforms across mobile, desktop, and connected TVs for free, as well as and Paramount+ and live in 91 countries. It is not American propaganda, so don't call it that. Thank you, and please spend money with our sponsors so we can charge more for commercials and bring you completely unbiased news without an agenda or ulterior motives.

    Is Buddhism an atheistic religion?

    (ReligionForBreakfast) For Westerners, Buddhism has a reputation of being an atheistic religion, but is this assessment true? Let's have a look at the facts because truth is often stranger than fiction.
    • 00:00 Intro: Theravada, Mahayana, secular Buddhism
    • 3:14 Buddhist cosmology and devas
    • 7:25 Can the devas help us? (Theravada perspective)
    • 13:46 Bodhisattvas and Mahayana Buddhism
    • 15:26 Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism
    • 16:19 Buddhist modernism
    • 19:48 Secular Buddhism
    • 24:47 Conclusion

    Register for the class "Who are the Hungry Ghosts?"(

    This video was made possible through the support of Grant 1928 from the John Templeton Foundation managed by The Queen’s University of Belfast. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation or The Queen’s University of Belfast. Join Patreon community:   religionforbreakfast. Select imagery/video supplied by Getty Images and Reuters. Thumbnail art by ‪@hotcyder.‬
    • Religion for Breakfast; Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

    Monday, February 17, 2025

    Not My President Day protests, USA

    The electric Cybertruck is the national vehicle. DOGE is the new Dept. of Re-Education.
    "Elect a clown, expect a circus" continued: It's No Kings Day. Trump "Not My President" protests were held in LA and various U.S. cities, reports FOX 11 Los Angeles. Across the country, peaceful demonstrations were held to protest against Presidents DJ Trump and Elon Musk and their executive orders. No kings on Presidents' Day was the call in Washington, DC (WUSA9).

    Beauty Kay Trump likes the ricn Beast: Why?

    Anti-Trump demonstrators in Maryland, USA
    Hundreds gathered outside the State House Monday (Feb. 17) to protest Pres. DJ Trump and the government-cutting moves being pushed by billionaire lonE Musk, as part of a coordinated national effort on President’s Day 2025.

    The protest was organized through 50501, a decentralized movement that sprang from the social media site Reddit, after Trump’s election, featured speeches from Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Rep. Sarah Elfreth (D-3rd), as well as a slate of local politicians and leaders. “People need to speak out and push back,” Van Hollen said after speaking to the crowd. “I think this is an important part of our democracy, and these are great patriots out here today.” More: Maryland Matters

    Glitch in Matrix: Upside down plane crash

    Clearly the "real" world is not real, not flawless and flowing but glitching and sharing features with tapes, loops, reels, video, audio, warped and resetting like a computer program, a simulation of a real thing or dimension. When it's caught on film for all to see, able to be reviewed, then who can doubt it? Sure, there's chance, coincidence, eerie confluence, but that does not explain all of these glitches.

    • CRJ 900 carrying 80 passengers crashed at Toronto's Lester B Pearson Airport. About 17 were injured, but there were no fatalities. The commercial plane somehow ended up on its back, missing a wing, which leads us to ask three things: Why? How? And where's Pete Buttigieg? Oh, wait, new Pres. Trump made someone else secretary of transportation, after which these transport anomalies started.
    21 History Mandela Effects
    Fly cheap to Toronto. Buy discount tix now.
    (All Time) TIMESTAMPS: ▼ Intro - 0:00 Betsy Ross Mandela Effect - 0:49 Al Capone Mandela Effect - 2:21 WW2 Balloons Mandela Effect - 3:58 Egypt Mandela Effect - 5:47 JFK Mandela Effect - 8:07 Bologna Train Station Clock Mandela Effect - 10:26 Hurricane Erin Mandela Effect - 12:55 WW2 Submarine Mandela Effect - 15:21 Hindenburg Mandela Effect - 17:45 Video Phone Mandela Effect - 21:46 Harry Houdini Mandela Effect - 23:52 Olympic Torch Mandela Effect - 25:46 Lindbergh Baby Mandela Effect - 26:38 Jackie Robinson Mandela Effect - 28:43 Nikola Tesla Mandela Effect - 30:50 Tank Mandela Effect - 32:42 Dazzle Ships Mandela Effect - 34:10 D-Day Balloons Mandela Effect - 38:42 Ben Franklin Kite and Key Mandela Effect - 40:22 The Black Tom Explosion Mandela Effect - 41:52 The Statue of Liberty Mandela Effect - 2:20

    Glitches in the Matrix (complete edition)

    Exclusive videos ➤ ➤ All Time Scary ➤ ➤ All Time 2 ➤ ➤ All Time Clips ➤
    • All Time,, Nov. 28, 2023; Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

    Emptiness vs. Four Noble Truths?

    Why the Four Noble Truths matter more than emptiness. Have we misunderstood the Buddha?
    Ego Podcast (Buddhism) Feb. 15, 2025: Let's discover the deeper meaning behind Buddhist Teachings. This in-depth exploration dives into why the Four Noble Truths hold a more fundamental place in the Buddha’s Teaching than the concept of emptiness (shunyatatathātā, suññatā, or anatta).

    • 00:00 – Introduction
    • Chapter 1: Emptiness and the Four Noble Truths
    • Chapter 2: Impermanence, suffering, and egolessness
    • Chapter 3: Utilizing three perceptions to end clinging, reclaiming the true priority of the Four Noble Truths
    • Conclusion and call-to-action
    Have we misunderstood the true message of the Buddha and "Buddhism" (the Dharma and the Teachings of the Sangha)? Join us as we unravel:
    • Chapter 1: Emptiness and the Four Noble Truths - Understand how the Buddha’s original emphasis on suffering (dukkha) and its cessation (what is pain and how to end it) laid the groundwork for the Teachings.
    • Chapter 2: Impermanence, suffering, and selflessness - Learn how clinging and our innate desire to “feed” on experiences contribute to suffering, and why recognizing radical impermanence is key.
    • Chapter 3: Utilizing three perceptions to end clinging - Discover the transformative role of the three perceptions in redefining clinging and guiding us toward true spiritual awakening.
    • Bonus: Reclaiming the true priority of the Four Noble Truths - Explore how modern interpretations might have shifted the focus and why returning to the Buddha’s original insights can offer us a path to genuine freedom from all suffering.
    Whether one is a seasoned practitioner or new to Buddhist philosophy, this video offers fresh insights on balancing desire, mindfulness, and the pursuit of lasting happiness. Watch and transform the understanding of suffering, desire, and the path to Buddhist enlightenment.

    If this video is useful, please like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth explorations of Buddhism and ancient wisdom. #Buddhism #FourNobleTruths #Emptiness #Buddha #Mindfulness #SpiritualAwakening

    The mind is STUCK in an illusion

    The mind is STUCK in an illusion. (It’s so simple to get out, you’ll laugh)
    (Solace Fox) The mind is stuck in an illusion — and it doesn’t even realize it. Everything we perceive, think, and believe is shaped by something deeper.

    It's Superego to the rescue, Id. Self's an illusion
    The truth: the real "you" [if such a thing were actual, but all things being relative, imagine a higher-self and a lower-self  (where egolessness is ultimate truth and "ego" is conventional truth, the latter being the Five Aggregates clung to as self) existing as we walk around as watcher and avatar, as if what we consciously sense is all there were to life, the universe, and everything] is hidden beneath layers of conditioning, thoughts, and false identifications and identities.

    • 00:00 - Your Mind is Trapping You
    • 02:15 - The Invisible Illusion You’re Stuck In
    • 05:30 - How Thoughts Control Your Reality
    • 08:45 - Why You Can’t See the Truth
    • 12:10 - Breaking Free from the Illusion
    • 14:30 - What Happens When You Finally Wake Up
    'I' have been swimming in my own imagination.
    This video breaks down how the mind creates a false reality (identifying with the Five Aggregates as belonging to us), why most people stay trapped, and how to finally see through the illusion. Staying until the end might change everything for you.

    SUBSCRIBE now for free and for more later ► @SolaceFox #mindfulness #ego #purpose #god #selfhelp #motivational #Consciousness #Oneness #Spirituality #Mysticism #Enlightenment #Awakening #awareness #life #motivation #universe. 📌 For some reason, the original got copyrighted, so I had to re-upload this version. Enjoy.
    • Solace Fox, Feb. 7, 2025; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly