Saturday, February 20, 2021

Kops Keep Killing: target Blacks (violent video)

Erika Martin (KTLA News, Feb. 17, 2021); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

History rhymes and history repeats.
In this slick video production, no doubt made in consultation with a public relations (PR) firm, the Orange County sheriff's deputies attempt to white wash the targeting, harassment, and murder of a Black man.

Tackle, wrestle, accuse, kill.
The police could have walked away at any time without incident. Or they could have not started in on him to begin with. But once they began, they utterly fail to de-escalate the situation and instead choose murder on the pretext that he was reaching for their gun.

Looks like he was reaching to survive, stretching his arm to get out from under two brutal giants torturing him. You decide. Jump ahead to Minute 7:50 to see the video, rather than just the misleading audio, and you might form a different opinion than the one you're being guided to form.

Newly released video shows deputies target a Black man for jaywalking then jump and shoot him to death
Erika Martin (LOCAL NEWS, KTLA TV, Feb. 17, 2021) edited by Wisdom Quarterly
See? I told you. This is what I'm talking about!
(KTLA) Orange County sheriff’s officials released video today in the investigation into homeless outreach deputies’ fatal shooting of a Black man they’d accused of jaywalking in San Clemente last year.

The release includes dashcam, cellphone and motel surveillance video that capture the ordeal unfolding from the moment deputies contacted 42-year-old Kurt Andras Reinhold on the sidewalk, to the ensuing struggle and Reinhold’s shooting death.

No body camera video was released.
[What damning evidence must it show, or has it simply not been tampered with enough to clear the officers? This should be the first thing released.]

The Sept. 23 shooting, on the heels of national unrest over police violence, sparked protests that resulted in the city of San Clemente declaring a curfew in certain areas.

I'm pro-cop "Top Cop" D.A. Kamala Harris
The two deputies involved, an eight-year veteran and a 13-year veteran, are full-time homeless liaison officers in San Clemente, Orange County.

Their duties involve "assisting" those living on the streets [to join the prison-industrial complex] and "helping" them access resources and services [like mass incarceration]. O.C. sheriff’s officials have not released their names. More

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