Monday, February 22, 2021

Live evening meditation (Los Angeles)

Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Jen B., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
What is a good meditator? One who meditates.
Dharma Buddhist Meditation is on a get beyond this lockdown and awaken! No spiritual quest can wait.

Young Buddhist John is from Los Angeles, who became a Buddhist monk for a year looking for enlightenment.

What he realized is that we need a down-to-earth sangha or "spiritual community" aspiring for the goal -- awakening to nirvana.

Is this tinsel town City of Lost Angels the place to find calm or peace, insight or enlightenment? We'll find out together:

Free. Short talk, group sit, followed by discussion, questions, and sharing. No experience necessary. Cushions provided. Mask, social distance, sanitize, whatever you like. Large open hall. Lots of free parking. (Also available via video link). RSVP

"We can always begin again" (Sharon Salzberg)
Tonight the theme is starting over, which is similar to the accomplished U.S. meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg's "Begin again." It's as simple as that. We sit to meditate intensively, and what's the first thing that happens?

The mind drifts away, distractedrestless, sleepy, fantasizing, lustful, confused, angry, forgetful. What to do?! "We can always begin again," Sharon says. "Start over," John echoes and encourages, "start over."

QUESTION: I love yoga and I love Buddhism. Any connection?

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