Sunday, March 28, 2021

Doing Ayahuasca with Graham Hancock (video)

Graham Hancock, America Before; Pat Macpherson, Xochitl, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Ayahuasca (the DMT-rich Amazonian brew combining the Vine of the Dead or Souls, a tree bark, and a leaf) discussion begins at Minute 23:05. Hancock has taken this entheogen more than 70 times.

America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization
(Graham Hancock, 8/9/19) ​ Graham Hancock's 2019 book is The New York Times Top 10 nonfiction bestseller.

Hancock recommends:  Randall Carlson, Sedona
From March through June of 2019, Hancock toured widely in the UK, US, and Canada, speaking about the book.

This free-to-view talk is the only version that will be available online. It was given in his hometown of Bath, England on Saturday April 6th, 2019.

Hancock's healer daughter Yogini Shanti Faiia
The event organizer was Toppings Books and the venue was Christ Church on Julian Road in Bath.

His daughter, Shanti Faiia, was formerly a lawyer but is now a healer, yoga teacher, and singer who was invited to sing the song "Waiting on an Angel" in the opening before the talk.
An advanced civilization in The Americas was lost to history in the global cataclysm that ended the last Ice Age, and Hancock has made it his life’s work to solve the mystery in America Before.

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