Sunday, March 28, 2021

Full Moon Buddhist Meditation (video)

Short Guided Full Moon Meditation for Peace and Relaxation
(Realm of Damaru, May 7, 2020) From Damaru Yoga and Sound Therapy Studio. The full moon day in May is called Buddha Purnima, the most important and powerful full moon of the year. It is called Vesak (the Buddha's full moon celebration marking three important events: his birth, enlightenment, final nirvana, the day Siddhartha Gautama Buddha departed).

The Moon profoundly impacts our mind and emotions with its forces at a peak on this day. It can lift the oceans and also our minds! But if we learn to channel this energy, it can also bring immense peace and calm throughout our entire being. Let's meditate and feel the power of these lunar energies. If possible, sit under the moon to allow its yin rays, moon beams, to intensify and channel through the body's energies.

ABOUT: Damaru Yoga and Sound Therapy Studio is an integrative wellness facility primarily practicing Raja Yoga and Nada Yoga. Damaru believes that no single method can suit all: "As many people as there are, there are that many ways." Damaru uses various modalities and approaches including Vedic chanting and sound therapy that works on body, mind, emotions, and energies to reach the desired goal of wellness. It offers in-person group and individual sessions in studio, as well as online sessions. Visit to learn more or connect by emailing @realmofdamaru

(Monadic Media) The Wesak Festival: The full moon of the Buddha

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