Monday, March 29, 2021

Yoga has these eight parts (audio)

Translation of Yoga Sutras narrated by Ron Welch ( via Bassett Publications); Greatest Audio Books (video); compiled and edited by Dhr. Seven and Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly
[This is not the path to Buddhist enlightenment but to deep meditative states. When one is able to enter the meditative absorptions, apply Buddhist insight meditation (vipassana) for enlightenment. Buddhist philosophy (Abhidharma) is essential to right view or understanding necessary for what the Buddha calls awakening (Wisdom Quarterly).]
Better trans: How to Know God
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
 explores yoga fundamentals, one of the six orthodox philosophies of Hinduism.

This ancient book is revered as one of the greatest texts of the practice of ashtanga or the "eight limbs" of yoga.

Comprised of 196 aphorisms dating back to 400 CE, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is divided into four chapters that explore:
  1. the blissful state,
  2. the practice,
  3. the manifestation, and
  4. the liberation stages of yoga.
The text includes the eight limbs or factors:
  1. yamas (abstinences),
  2. niyama (observances),
  3. asana (poses),
  4. pranayama (breath control)
  5. pratyahara (sense withdrawal),
  6. dharana (concentration),
  7. dhyana (meditative absorption),
  8. samadhi (union).
This philosophy has influences on thought in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, the three main Dharmic traditions, but it can be applied to anyone's practice of meditation and yoga.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is an important and profound accompaniment to novices and accomplished yogis alike, as they delve deeper into the philosophy behind the practice. More

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