Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Insight LA: events, classes, insights

Community Insights

Issue No. 8: What Have We Overlooked?

Welcome back to our Community Insights newsletter!  Each month, we'll be sharing updates from various community members and initiatives happening at InsightLA. You can support all of our community initiatives by making a donation

This month, we introduce a new component of our community sharing - a podcast! As we uplift the courageous voices of key women in history this March, we invite you to reflect on whose voices may be overlooked during these months of celebration. What parts of yourself may need to be heard as well?


Community Member Spotlight:

Justine Dawson


Justine Dawson is a guide of dharma and intimacy who teaches The Mindful Bedroom, an upcoming mindfulness series at InsightLA. Check out our first ever Community Insights Podcast episode ​featuring Justine for an in-depth look at how cultivating desire can add a valuable new realm of experience to your mindfulness practice.


Listen now to this month's episode to hear Justine's story.



What Have We Overlooked? with Justine Dawson

Community Insights Podcast Episode 1 - Justine Dawson joins InsighLA's Bria Royal for a conversation on the revolutionary act of listening to one's own desire in the bedroom and in the construction of a meaningful life.

Now available on InsightLA's SoundCloud.

Excerpt on dropping into intimacy in mindfulness practice...
J: You know, we can really separate sexuality and the erotic from what we imagine as meditation and mindfulness. Many of us were taught - certainly I was, when I started meditating - that you’re aware of your body and your emotions, but just nothing sexual! Just skip over your genitals; that’s not important. And yet, the actual experience of dropping in - being aware of sensation, being in the moment, taking the goal off - is the exact same foundation of a powerful erotic life.

On desire and fear...
J: Part of the reason we’re often afraid of desire or denigrate desire is because it might take us away from things that are familiar… Desire has us move away from things and towards others, and that can be destabilizing, especially to the familiar sense of self. That familiar sense of self likes stability; it’s uncomfortable with the truth of impermanence and change. And, as we become more intimate with desire, we directly relate to impermanence and change.


Join Justine at the next offering of The Mindful Bedroom or learn more on Justine's teacher profile.


Did you know?

You can access tons of guided meditations and Dharma Talks anytime on InsightLA's SoundCloud.


The Story of InsightLA: Made Whole by Women 


Insight LA is proud to have an organizational history rooted tightly in wisdom passed on through  the determination, compassion, and insight of key women in our community. Take a moment to learn a bit more about the women serving on InsightLA's Teacher Council to keep our core curriculum relevant and responsive to our current moment in history.

Christiane Wolf, MD, PhD is a certified MBSR and MSC (Mindful Self-Compassion) teacher and co-founded InsightLA’s MBSR program with Trudy in 2005. She is the program director for mindfulness programs at InsightLA as well as the co-chair of the teacher council.

Rosamaría Segura is both a teacher and the Director of Insight in Action, teaching in non-profit organizations, public schools, and people dedicated to socio-economic and environmental justice in Los Angeles, East Hollywood, Long Beach, and refugee shelters in Tijuana, Mexico.

Lisa Kring, LCSW is a committed practitioner of mindfulness Vipassana mediation for over ten years currently developing innovative educational academies in Los Angeles with intention to develop mindfulness-based programs in these settings for at- risk and disadvantaged youth.

Amy Love has extensive experience facilitating mindfulness meditation practices with youth and adults in a variety of settings including; public schools, prisons, youth outreach programs, and yoga communities and currently co- facilitates Meditation Coalition’s weekly People of Color Sit and monthly Women of Color Mindfulness Circle.

Celeste Young was invited to join the very first teacher development cohort at InsightLA under the guidance of founder Trudy Goodman in 2011 and offers several classes a week as a core teacher at ILA, in both the mindfulness and Dharma programs.

Diana Gould has been a meditator for over 35 years, practicing Insight Meditation for 20 of those years. She is a graduate of the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock, and the Teacher Training program with Trudy Goodman at Insight LA. 


Learn more about all of InsightLA's teachers and council members, including founding teacher Trudy Goodman, PhD.


Get involved.

Help us sustain these initiatives by participating in community eventsaffinity groups, and community support initiatives.

1. Attend a Community Gathering

Buddhist Wisdom & Ancient Medicine with Spring Washam

We will explore how plant medicines also referred to as “Entheogens” can be used skillfully in order to accelerate our awakening process. From the jungles of Peru to the Himalayan mountain tops, we will explore how two great traditions can be brought skillfully together. 

Daylong retreat on Saturday, April 3, 2021 | 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM PT


2. Join a Practice Group

Thursday Evening Practice Group with Diana Gould

There will be a 40-45 minute silent sitting meditation, a Dharma talk, and time for conversation, discussion and questions. A chance to sit with a group, and be part of an ongoing and supportive sangha. All levels welcome!

Thursday, April 1, 2021 | 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM PT


3. Support our ILA Community

Support Insight in Action

In the spirit of equity in opportunities to practice and heal, our Insight in Action suite of programs bring free mindfulness and meditation to various marginalized communities in Southern California and beyond.

You can support all of our Insight in Action initiatives making a donation.


Check out our new website navigation menu. We've added some shortcuts to our most frequently accessed course offerings so that you can find your favorite classes faster. Access our full calendar of offerings under Classes & Events.

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