Wednesday, March 31, 2021

KKK propaganda: "White Lives Matter" in OC

KTLAPeter Griffin; The Conservative Buddhist, Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
A white supremacist flier was found on lawn of unoccupied home in Newport Beach 3/30/21:

Hate flier (Don Leach/Daily Pilot via LA Times)
KKK (Ku Klux Klan) propaganda discovered outside homes in The OC in Newport Beach and a flier announcing plans for a "White Lives Matter" rally in Huntington Beach have put local city officials on alert regarding potentially escalating white nationalist [national socialist or Nazi] sentiment.

Residents living on one street in Newport Heights were surprised Sunday morning to find their lawns and driveways littered with apparent recruitment propaganda urging citizens to join the fight for the white race by learning more about the KKK.
Fliers with images of a white-robed Klansmen and Confederate flags reading “Loyal White Knights Want You to Say No to Cultural Genocide” and promoting a Klan radio show were discovered by a group of Orange County homeowners living on San Bernardino Avenue early Sunday. More

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